Malaysia’s First VISA Prepaid Corporate Cards

Get the VISA corporate prepaid card for all your employees without the hassles of bank and liability approvals or expensive pre-approved credit limits.

Corporate Cards Available For All Company Sizes

Enhance efficiency, accountability, and transparency with cost-effective corporate expense cards. Transition to digitized financial processing for improved transparency.

A Corporate Card Separates Your Business & Personal Expenses

A corporate card effectively separates business and personal expenses, streamlining expense tracking and simplifying accounting.

This clear delineation reduces financial mismanagement risks and enhances financial transparency, boosting operational efficiency within the organization.

We Help You With Less Headache, Less Mess, More Time

  • Stay Organized

    Easily assign cards and funds by roles or departments for improved budget tracking and finance reporting.

  • Automating Helps

    Track and manage your business expenses, budgets, and receipts in one centralized location.

  • Interconnected Tools

    Streamline workflows, eliminate receipt hoarding, and save time while reducing errors with our integrated payment tools.

Its Just Like A Credit Card But Without High Cost & Liabilities

Easy to scale for your entire company.

  • Easy Application & Onboarding Process
  • No Risk of Debt Accumulation
  • Low Credit Worthiness Requirements
  • Low Risk of Misuse by Employees
  • Low Administrative Processes

For Heroes, Startups & Modern Business

Empower your team with expense cards and stay in control of expenses

RE:THINK Card + App = Smarter Card

Our Cards Have More Power With A Connected eWallet

Your new VISA business prepaid card comes with a multi-currency eWallet featuring lock-in live foreign currency conversion, auto-track card spend, custom security features and much more.

Our Corporate Card Changes Manual Pay & Claim Processes

Assign Corporate Cards and eWallet To All Employees

Give a card to all employees and assign spend categories, limits to separate personal and business expenses.

Allocate Expense Funds Monthly or As Needed

Distribute allocated funds for their monthly expenditure or as needed.

Track and Reconcile Expenses Anytime

Periodically review spend activities, generate reports for easy bookkeeping and support your business goals.

Card Spending You Control Centrally

You’re the captain, company admins decide how each card is used, like auto-track spends and topping up budgets or digital reports. It’s modern bookkeeping made easy.

Modernize Your Pay And Claim Process

Stop wasting time with manual paper receipts and late claims.

Stop Hoarding Receipts For Your Claims. Snap On App Instead

See Expenses As It Happens, Automatically

RE:THINK Corporate Expense Cards

No More Out Of Pocket Business Spending

Give your employees their own corporate cards and say goodbye to advancing money out of pocket for their expenses and other costlier, company spending.

Everything You Need To Separate Business And Personal Expenses

Low entry cost, fast adoption, multiple control and security features on an interconnected digital ecosystem for all company sizes.

Go paperless with convenient expense payment

Switch to a digital expense management system to automate payments and monitor business expenses in a world without paper.

Effortless Software Subscription And Payments

Easier payments by assigning cards to employees or departments, plan budgets and pay in multi-currencies.

Give Corporate Expense Cards For Your Entire Team

Give unlimited corporate card to your whole team. No more shared cards, less risk.

20 Currencies With Live Exchange & Locked-In Rates

Merchantrade Money Biz does business anywhere you do. Convert currency on app and spend on card with locked-in rates, no fluctuation. All in a proven modern multi-currency platform.

Convert To A Modern Solution For Business Expenses.

Save costs, time and manage business expenses better with interconnected corporate cards, eWallets and finance command portal.

Convert To A Modern Solution For Business Expenses.

Save costs, time and manage business expenses better with interconnected corporate cards, eWallets and finance command portal.

Supporting You With A Proven Track Record

Personal To Business, Built On Proven Expertise

From ‘personal’, now comes ‘business’. We’ve been at the forefront of multi-currency cross border digital payments offering our unique award-winning brand of hyper versatile and secure personal payment platform since 2017.

Perfect Pricing Plans For Any Company Size

No Manual Claims Process, Just Spend And Track

Go digital with Nextgen expense management

what are you waiting for? talk to us now.