Merchantrade Money is not only a platform where you can buy and sell currencies on the app but it also has plenty of cool features for you to check out. We've listed three of the top features that our customers (YOU) like! 


Spend on Overseas Shopping

Realised using credit or debit card for overseas purchases have hidden charges? Why not buy currencies via the app and pay on any site with ZERO transaction fee, which means, you're paying the exact amount you see - NO HIDDEN CHARGES!
May The Wave Be With You 

With the increase amount of cases for COVID-19, contactless payments are on the rise for personal hygiene. Opt for PayWave for transactions below RM250.

Did you know you can turn off the PayWave function on the app when not in use? #StaySafeFinancially
Send Money Abroad Conveniently

Don't want to line up at public spaces because of COVID-19? Why not do it in the app with just a few clicks? Yup, you can click on the "REMIT" feature and send money overseas with ease. And yes, it's better than a bank!