How Malaysian Companies Save Money and Time By Digitalizing Expense Management with Merchantrade Money Biz


Digitalizing expense management has emerged as a game changer for Malaysian companies. Enter Merchantrade Money Biz, an all-in-one expense management solution that integrates cutting-edge financial technology with practical payment tools to help business owners stop overspending, eliminate manual accounting processes, and run their companies more efficiently.


The 3 interconnected tools to digitize expense management 

  • Visa Business Prepaid Card
  • Multi Currency eWallet
  • Expense Management Portal

The Game Changer

Many companies struggle with the lack of cashless payment options for employees, forcing them to mix personal and business funds. This often leads to inefficiencies, increased risks, and financial discrepancies. Merchantrade Money Biz addresses these issues head-on by providing employees with business prepaid cards, ensuring clear separation between personal and business expenses. This streamlined approach reduces the risk of financial mismanagement and improves overall operational efficiency.

Forget manual pay and claims processes

Gone are the days of ‘pay & claim’ where countless hours are wasted on stockpiling receipts, mixing personal and work funds, or dealing with reimbursement delays that increase risks to employee finances and governance. By digitizing and automating old processes, Merchantrade Money Biz helps businesses save time, reduce errors, and maintain better control over their finances with an easily scalable solution.

Benefits of Prepaid Cards vs. Credit Cards

Using prepaid cards instead of credit cards offers significant advantages. Credit facilities can cloud better judgment in spending, leading to overspending and financial strain. Prepaid cards, on the other hand, come with predetermined spending limits and specific spend categories, ensuring that employees stick to the budget. This not only promotes responsible spending but also reduces the risk of fraud and financial mismanagement. All transactions are tracked in real time, providing businesses with greater control and transparency.

Petty cash claims reimbursements

Managing petty cash claims can be a headache, with manual processes leading to errors, delays, and frustration. Merchantrade Money Biz simplifies this with its Instant Receipt Capture function, allowing employees to snap pictures of receipts and submit claims on the go. This streamlined approach speeds up the reimbursement process, boosts employee satisfaction, and ensures accurate record-keeping.

How a tech startup streamlines multiple client accounts and payment subscriptions

Manually tracking costs across multiple worksheets consumes valuable time and increases the risk of costly typo errors. Using Merchantrade Money Biz’s business prepaid cards, a tech-based startup can streamline all digital subscription payments effortlessly. Each card is customizable with spend limits and specific spend categories. For example, one card can be designated for influencer and freelancer payments, and another for digital subscriptions, capturing all categorized expenses in real time. This not only simplifies tracking but also reduces the risk of overspending.

Eliminate payment delays

Payment delays, often caused by multi-layer approval stages, can disrupt operations, strain vendor relationships, and incur late fees. Merchantrade Money Biz’s expense management portal streamlines online payments for digital subscriptions, ensuring timely transactions and smooth operations.

Maximize savings

With access to competitive exchange rates in real time, it’s easy to purchase over 20 global currencies using the multi-currency eWallet at locked-in rates. Pay for digital subscriptions to Google, Upwork, or Canva in native USD without additional conversion fees. Bills are paid on time, and cash flow monitoring becomes effortless with a master overview of all company expenses.

Control overspending on credit facilities

Using company-issued prepaid cards for business expenses instead of personal credit cards reduces the risk of fraud and overspending. All transactions are tracked on the expense management portal, enabling better budget repurposing for future months.

Take your business digital with Merchantrade Money Biz

Merchantrade Money Biz is revolutionizing the way Malaysian companies manage their expenses. Combining a Visa Business Prepaid Card, a Multi-Currency eWallet, and an expense management portal, it integrates financial tech with practical payment tools. The all-in-one solution helps businesses of all sizes stop overspending, eliminate manual accounting processes, and run more efficiently. By streamlining payments for digital subscriptions, automating old processes, and providing real-time tracking, Merchantrade Money Biz ensures better financial control, transparency, and accountability.


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